Saturday, March 03, 2007

A million years later...

While I am updating UL, I will give the jist of what the heck have happened since my last post. I havent had much time to update this, so bear with me. Ah, the open beta ended Feb 15. That was when my free play died. Luckily, a family member gave me a gift card for one year of gametap!!!! Soo cool.

Anyways, the closed beta was so cool. However, i cant find many people from it now in UL. Sorry Cyan, but the closed is over and there really is no secret info. I am supposed to keep shut up about this for 3, yes, 3 years!!!!!! The only special thing is that there was a podium by the tent that they removed when the closed was over.

There are a million storys to tell you, but I just dont have enough time!!! I am working on my company, Blue Cloak ware ( Also, I tried Second Life because Cyan made their own island (its called Myst Online: Uru Live, if you ever want to find it in the game). The island is pimp!

You may see me in the game. I am Papa G. Also, visit my hood. (too bad there is still that neighboorhood nameing bug, but maybe not anymore...). In UU, I could name my hood whatever I wanted! Now, its by deafault 's hood. Too bad.

I have also used fraps (which sucks!) and have recorded several hours of sensitive UL closed beta material in movies and plenty of screenshots. My family member got really angry at me because it took up over 90 gig! That was including the backups of the origional game and the movies and the screenshots! We had to move it to our other harddrive. I am gunna use Replay Converter (by Applian technologies. They also make Replay Music which is cool, check it out) to convert all of the video from avi to mp4. Then, I will use WMM (Windows Movie Maker) to compile it all together and then post it on some serivce or site. Either youtube or one of my sites.

Thats all for now, and I see that they released the new age. Forgot what it is called, but it has lots of trees and creatures supposidly. Well, its done updating, gotta get on with my game!

I also like that i got the subdomain before anyone else! But, this is not domain squatting. Im very physic! Yeaaaa! Young Jeezy is my favorite rapper! Rap and hiphop is NOT dead!

Papa G (on there, known as Programmer 122)


Anonymous said...

I like to use Replay Converter by Applian Technologies...

Anonymous said...

Excuse for that I interfere ?I understand this question. Let's discuss.